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#lorongbelakang Project Series  
Redefining Back Alley




Laman Seni 7, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia



Laman Seni project was inspired from Art Street in Penang which showcases local Cultural painting reflecting on Malaysian identity. In similar fashion, Laman Seni 7 adopts the formula from Art Street in Penang to fulfill the intention of improving back lanes especially in the terms of cleanliness and hygiene. By providing solutions to these main issues, we managed to alter the public’s perception of these lanes, which follows the main concept of Laman Seni 7 which is “Back Lanes Redefined.”


Through injecting the elements of Art and Architecture and collaboration with young local talents, the back lane becomes useable and beneficial for the public which at the same time provided a sense of belonging for them to carry out various activities and events in a safe and creative environment.


Who are the artists? 


We started calling for entries from local Malaysian Artists through launching a Street Art Competition which we advertised in local media and made viral in social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram. We managed to receive hundreds of entries in various categories that we opened for and incredibly, many of these entries come from students and youth.

Is there a theme?


Yes. Laman Seni 7 is based on a theme of reflecting the Shah Alam Community, in which all the contestants must come out with their own interpretation and ideas of what the city of Shah Alam actually is; such as its role as an industrial city, a city of night life or as a green city etc.


Art competition splits into four (4) categories: 3D Painting, 3D Installation, Street Furniture and Painting on Site. 


© 2016 by askaree & farhanah. Proudly created for khznh studio

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